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Our society is facing unprecedented challenges requiring swift and decisive action. In dealing with a global public health crisis, we need to face its economic consequences, without undermining our efforts in fighting climate change. Everyone has been affected differently by the referred crisis and everyone shall contribute to a solution.

The Solar Thermal sector is strongly committed towards bringing positive change to our world and to our societies. We provide solutions that contribute to decarbonisation of the heating and cooling sector, which represents 51% of the final energy consumption and approximately 27% of the EU carbon emissions. Decarbonising this sector is critical for the European Carbon Neutrality goals. Furthermore, this decade is decisively important in reaching this transition, considering that new heating systems for residential, commercial, or industrial applications installed after 2030 must be carbon free, as the ey are likely to still be operating by 2050.

The current COVID19 pandemic showed us how resolute Governments and populations can be in addressing a crisis. That resolve and courage should be applied to the main crisis we all face: Climate Change.

Our pledge

The solar heating and cooling industry looks confidently at this challenge, facing it as an opportunity to build our economic recovery based on our paramount climate goals. While aiming at reducing EU’s energy needs and striving for a cost-efficient approach to clean, affordable and competitive solutions, the solar thermal sector commits to:

Call for action

Using existing solutions: Solar Thermal

While aiming at carbon neutrality by 2050, we must be aware that we are dealing with a critical carbon budget, which must compel us to take urgent action and drastically reduce our carbon emissions during this decade.
This is possible if we make use of the already existing solutions to decarbonise the generation of heating and cooling in residential, commercial, or industrial applications.


National Associations